Friday, May 3, 2013

Argument & Counter-arguement

Research Blog #9

The argument that I will pursuing in this paper is that the the information gap and the idea of "cultural capital" are fueling the increasing class divide. The upper-income students have all of the resources of information at their fingertips because it is passed down through their family as their past generations are college graduates. However, the low-income and first generation students do not have this and lack the information needed to navigate through college and the admissions process.

There are sources that believe that students should be able to find this information out on their own and that it is currently out there for them to find. This raises the debate that students should or shouldn't be given the information that they need. The sources that find that students should be self-sufficient already know what they need to know and don't need anyone else's help. Unfortunately, students who are dealing with this all on their own might need a little help. No students should suffer because another individual feels that they do not deserve help. This divides our students because the students with cultural capital will always have the information and the students without will not.

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